Wren TDP

Author: HonahLee /

The day Wren and baby Ingrid arrived in Ohio was beautiful! The sun was warm and the grass had just started to turn green. It seemed that it was going to be a nice visit. Only a few days went by that it was warm and sunny and then the weather started to turn for the worst.

The rain came down, the roads flooded, many people lost things. Wren seemed to do a lot of reminiscing by the rain covered windows gazing into her new daughter’s eyes. One day we were talking and she seemed to have come to terms with the loss she had suffered. She told me how her travels and the things she has seen has made her realize that everything happens for a reason and that you have to stay strong through the fire to come out sparkling.

From then on the conversations seemed to be more light and cheerful. We had a great time picking out the leather for her new boots. She was tired of traveling barefoot. We made a new leather vest to match along with a leather sling for Ingrid to ride in. During one of the few nice days we were able to get out and make a beautiful headband for Wren to wear.

Her travels were coming to an end and she started her goodbyes. She seems so peaceful now and ready to go home with her new daughter! She will be home soon Jan :)


Her husband just died from "unknown" causes...her makeup is running down her face and she has a tissue in one hand and a cross in the other....poor girl!

She is an original art doll. Hand sculpted in super sculpty with a gourd body. Her legs and arms are pose able. She is about 7" tall and about 7" wide with body and legs.

Violetta, ADO Traveling Doll, The Eager Eagles Team!

Author: HonahLee /

         Violetta arrived safe and sound to cold Ohio. I don’t believe she cared for the dull grey skies and lifeless greenery, but she was still very pleasant to have in my home. She talked a great deal about warm weather and the spring flowers. I assured her that during the right season, Ohio is very beautiful! I invited her to stay a little longer and see the transformation, but she told me she had to be on her way to visit Jan in a hopefully warmer Texas.

          Before I packed her up and sent her on her way, I was sure to give her a little something to wear. She had mentioned a few times one of her favorite colors was violet because it matched her eyes. So we dressed her in a violet undershirt, leggings and short black boots.  I also showed her how to apply soft and natural makeup, because she said she was feeling a bit washed out. I told her she still needed something on her head and maybe a soft flowing dress, but she assured me she had to be on her way and that Jan would be able to help her out when she arrived.
        She said her last farewells to the other dolls and gourd goblins, thanked me for the hospitality and climbed into her box!

-Jenna From The Land of Honah Lee

Phobia! WIP

Author: HonahLee /

I am so excited for this girl, she will make your skin crawl!

Traveling Doll Project

Author: HonahLee /

           Her name is Tshilaba which means “seeker of Knowledge” in Romani, or more commonly known Gypsy. Tshilaba believes she was found somewhere in the European country side around the 17th century at which time she was at least 300 years old, still only a child. You see, she is a changeling they live very long but lonely lives of solitude. 
            She is on her way to TX then on to CA. She is very excited she feels best at home when traveling and making new friends and she always brings good luck with her!

Not enough time

Author: HonahLee /

I wish I had enough time and/or energy to make all the things that keep me up at night...Anyway I am sending in a few examples of my Gourd Dolls to Art doll Quarterly! I am very excited I am hoping I get picked. I have never sent in any art work before. Well, here is my latest Gourd Goblin! Happy Valentines Day.

Many Many Things to Come!

Author: HonahLee /

So I have been working on about 5 dolls since I last posted! I plan on making a few molds for some. Which I am very excited and nervous about. The main doll I have been working on is a ball jointed doll. I have been so fascinated by these dolls for at least 3 years now and I have wanted to make one for so long! So the little guy is almost ready for the mold process. I also have a new LARGE Gourd Goblin to finish up and a few other creepy things! Keep ya posted....